In this sixth session of Sovereign Nations’s “The Theology of Marxism” conference, Dr. James Lindsay addresses the titular theme of the conference: The Theology of Marxism.
For a century and a half, people have failed to recognize Marxism for what it is, a theology. Marx’s emphasis on Atheism and strict materialism in all things have obscured from view what Marxism really is. Well, it is not a social theory. It is not an economic theory. It is a theology that sees economic and related social conditions as that which shapes human lives and, if born again into the faith, compels them to seize those means of human production and repurpose them to achieve the Marxian eschatology. That eschatology goes by a few names, but the most identifiable are “Communism,” “Liberation,” and “Social Justice.”
In his previous session, The Dialectical Faith of Leftism, Lindsay explained the intellectual precursors to the theology of Marxism: the Leftist social theorizing of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Dialectical Alchemy of G.W.F. Hegel. Hegel, Marx recognized, was no mere philosopher but, in fact, a theologian. Marx’s great deception was in repackaging Hegel’s theology into a materialist shell and thus mystifying the world about his theological creation. Where Hegel produced an Absolute Idea that men approximate in thought in the Theoretical Idea and in deed in the Practical Idea, and the dialectic is meant to bring them back together and realize the Absolute, Marx merely placed the Idea itself in the head of Man. The Absolute Man, Socialist Man or the true Communist, holds in his mind clearly the Absolute Idea, which is the perfected reunification of Theory and Practice. The Absolute Man, or “the Last Man,” at the End of History is the deity of the Marxist Theology, and true to its Hegelian Alchemical roots, Man exists to remember this true nature of himself by overcoming his Fall, which Marx said arrived with the division of labor and establishment of private property.
The audio version of this presentation is available on Soundcloud, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.
Additional episodes of The Theology of Marxism may be viewed here.
Rik Zak