Today the concern over the supply chain issues in the United States is at a fever pitch. 

For the Biden administration, the response in regards to the “why” of supply chain issues begins and ends with Covid.

And of course, truthfully said, Covid is being used as the precipitating factor to blame all supply chain issues and problems related to the sourcing, shipping, receiving and delivery of those goods to your local stores or to online retailers.

So, in essence, the Covid is the scapegoat for nearly every totalitarian effort that has been sprung upon liberal democracies across the globe.

The challenge to supply issues for the United States in terms of the supply of daily goods, pharmaceuticals, electronics and other items begins at their source: China.

The United States has given the production of these goods to companies and organizations that are ultimately under the control of the Chinese Communist Party.

Some of those physical goods that have been given over to China over the past 20 years are Christian Bibles, books, and other educational materials.

Was this a wise direction for Christian Publishers to take? Michael O’Fallon explores this important topic.

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