If you’ve noticed while receiving the news or listening to Influencers, Politicians, news and media, corporate CEOs and pastors and religious leaders you will notice that nearly everyone who has been pushing for progressive authoritarianism has been nearly lock-step in their narratives.

On this episode of Public Occurrences both Foreign and Domestic, Michael O’Fallon reveals the primary issue with our elected officials and leaders who continue in a dialectical path towards a disturbing utopia. All of these leaders share one commonality: they are all “scripted.”

Show links:
Mr. Reagan: The Brains Behind AOC: https://youtu.be/1h5iv6sECGU

The White House: Build Back Better: https://www.whitehouse.gov/build-back-better/

Protestia Docent Research: https://protestia.com/2021/07/19/docent-group-a-progressive-left-takeover-of-the-american-pulpit/

Greear and Litton Romans 1 Scripting: https://youtu.be/l6PJNfbIuS4

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Previous episodes of Public Occurrences can be found here.

One Comment to: Scripted | Public Occurrences, Ep. 2

  1. Avatar
    August 30th, 2021

    I “retired” nine years ago from an IT job with a major College of Education so that I could study the damage being done to America by covert Communism. Your work substantiates everything that I have learned since then.


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