Facebook is helping to reelect President Trump in 2020 in exchange for protection, billionaire George Soros claimed in Davos, Switzerland.
“Facebook will work to re-elect Trump and Trump will protect Facebook. It makes me very concerned about the outcome of 2020,” he said during a private dinner hosted by his Open Society Foundations at the World Economic Forum.
The left-wing financier reportedly described Trump as “the ultimate narcissist” and a “con man” who wanted the world to “revolve around him.”
“When his fantasy of becoming president became a reality,” his ego grew significantly, Soros alleged, then added, “This has turned his narcissism into a malignant disease.”
However, a Facebook spokesperson called the accusations “just plain wrong.”
January 9, the social media company announced that it would continue to allow politicians to run advertisements and “would not police the truthfulness of the messages posted,” according to Fox News.
“Ultimately, we don’t think decisions about political ads should be made by private companies,” said Facebook’s Director of Product Management Rob Leathern.
He continued:
In the absence of regulation, Facebook and other companies are left to design their own policies. We have based ours on the principle that people should be able to hear from those who wish to lead them, warts and all, and that what they say should be scrutinized and debated in public.
Soros’s Open Society Foundation’s website states that it believes “the solutions to the national, regional, and global challenges we face demand the free exchange of ideas and thought, and that everyone should have a voice in shaping the policies that affect them.”
Despite his foundation’s commitment to the free exchange of ideas, Soros called the Trump administration “a danger to the world” at Davos in 2018, and also accused social media companies of encouraging addiction to their platforms.
The billionaire stated:
The distinguishing feature of internet platforms is that they are networks and they enjoy rising marginal returns. They deliberately engineer addiction to the services they provide. This can be very harmful, particularly to adolescents. As Facebook and Google have grown into ever more powerful monopolies, they have become obstacles to innovation, and they have caused a variety of problems of which we are only now beginning to become aware.
“Davos is a good place to announce that their days are numbered,” he concluded.
via Breitbart
Lets set the record straight:
1. “the solutions to the national, regional, and global challenges we face demand the free exchange of ideas and thought, and that everyone should have a voice in shaping the policies that affect them.”
This is an utter lie. Globalists like Soros use the term “democracy” but globalists are not democratic at all. They are totalitarians imposing their will in the guise of democracy and “listening to the people”
2. Soros alleged, then added, “This has turned his [Trump’s] narcissism into a malignant disease.” “Trump as “the ultimate narcissist” and a “con man” who wanted the world to “revolve around him.”
Pure projection of his own malignant efforts at destroying national sovereingnity and populism around the globe. Soros is a total hypocrite which the saying proves out: “It takes one to know one.”
3. Google and Facebook are helping to reelect Trump.
Utter nonsense. in fact they working overtime behind the scenes with their search algorythims to censor or delete positive information over what Trump has accomplished. This shows Soros is either getting senile due to his age (happens) or this is smoke and mirrors in order to protect his own economic empire.