Along with 250+ Christian leaders, I am asking followers of Christ across our nation to set aside next Sunday, June 2, as a special day of prayer for the President, Donald J. Trump.
President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.
This is a critical time for America. We’re on the edge of a precipice. Time is short. We need to pray for God to intervene. We need to ask God to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide the President.
We know that God hears and answers prayer. He can soften hearts and change minds. He is all-powerful, and He rules over the affairs of nations. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:2–3).
On June 2, we ask that pastors would lead their congregations in praying for the President, that Sunday schools and other groups would join together and pray, and that individuals and families across the country would have a special focus on praying for the President that day.
Would you let me know in the comments below if you commit to pray with us? And will you share this on your social media platforms so that we can have as many people as possible praying?
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).
–Franklin Graham
We the undersigned are calling for June 2 to be a special Day of Prayer for the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, that God would protect, strengthen, embolden, and direct him.
We believe our nation is at a crossroads, at a dangerous precipice. The only one who can fix our country’s problems is God Himself, and we pray that God will bless our president and our nation for His glory.
Dr. Abby Abildness
Executive Director, Healing Tree International
Ann Abraham
Executive Director, Capital Church
Lourdes Aguirre
Eres America
Ed & Lynn Alderson
National Director, HAPN Network
Jonathan Alexandre
Senior Counsel for Governmental Affairs, Liberty Counsel
Marcy Allen
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Pam Arrington
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Thomas Ascol
Founders Ministry
Michele Bachmann
Former United States Representative
Sam Bailey
Senior Pastor, Twin Lakes Baptist Church
Sara Ballenger
President, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
David Barton
Founder and President, Wallbuilder
Becky Bates
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Gary Bauer
President, American Values
Henry & Jacqueline Becerra
Senior Pastor, City Church International
John Benefiel
Senior Pastor, Church on the Rock and Founder, Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN)
Bishop Leon Benjamin
New Life Harvest Church
Rev. Desiree Bernstein
World Harvest
John & Lisa Bevere
Messenger International
Mike Bickle
Founder and Director, International House of Prayer
Negiel Bigpond
Founder and National Director, All Tribes
Gary Blackard
President and CEO, Adult & Teen Challenge USA
Jim Bolthouse
President, The Presidential Prayer Team
Dr. Kie Bowman
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park Baptist
Mario Bramnick
Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition
Corine Branch
Senior Pastor, Destiny Christian Church
Kathy Branzell
President, National Day of Prayer Task Force
Carol Bratcher
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Maureen Bravo
Administrator, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
David & April Brinson
Senior Pastor, Eighth Day Church
Matt Brown
Founder, Think Eternity
Jacob Brunton
Founder, The New Christian Intellectual
Tom Buck
Senior Pastor, FBC Lindale
Eric & Kim Buehrer
Founders, Gateways to Better Ed
Rhonda Burnett
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Wendy Bustin
Pastor, Open Door Community Church
Vice President of Evangelical Bible Mission International
Jonathan Cain
Journey and Worship Pastor, City of Destiny
Ben Calhoun
Christian Music Artist
Kenneth Cameron
Senior Pastor, Danville Alliance Church
Rev. Nancy Campbell
White Fields Church
Jo Hansen Canon
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
JC Cantu
Lead Pastor, New Beginnings Ozona
CJ Canzano
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Lea Carawan
Executive Director, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
Kathy Carlin
Director, Serving in Jesus’ Name
Rev. Miguel Castro
Pastor, Healing the Wounds Church Hamden, Connecticut
Joy Chickonoski
Apostolic Leader, Real Living Ministries
Dr. Doug Clay
General Superintendent, Assemblies of God
Julie Clinton
President, Extraordinary Women Ministries
Dr. Tim Clinton
President, American Association of Christian Counselors
John Coats
Pastor, Metropolitan Church of God In Christ
Kelvin L. Cobaris
Cobaris Ministries International
Bishop Ira Combs, Jr.
Greater Bible Way Temple
Rochelle Connor
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation, California
Kenneth & Gloria Copeland
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Jason Crabb
Christian Music Artist
Matt & Laurie Crouch
President of TBN
Otilia Curiel
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, In Him Christian Fellowship
Bau Dang
Senior Pastor, Garden Grove United Methodist Church
Jeff Davis
Senior Pastor, New Life Assembly of God
Tracey DeBlank
Events Director, Intercessors for America
John and Ruth DeBow
Pastors, Napa Foursquare Church
Dr. James & Shirley Dobson
James Dobson Family Institute
Jim Domen
Pastor and Founder, Church United
Fatima Eid
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Marguerite Ennason
City of Destiny
Mike Evans
President, Friends of Zion, Jerusalem Prayer Team
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
President, Liberty University
Brian Fisher
President, Human Coalition
Herb and Dona Fisher
President and Vice President, Friendship Foundation, Inc.
Robert Flores
Lead Pastor, Bethesda Assembly of God
Margie Fontenot
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Terri Savelle Foy
Minister and Author
President of Terri Savelle Foy Ministries
Jentezen Franklin
Senior Pastor, Free Chapel
Bonnie Fridenmaker
Apostle and Co-Leader, Arizona Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network
Rebecca Friedrichs
President, For Kids and Country
Steve Gaines, PhD
Senior Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
Immediate Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention
Ray & Richelle Garcia
Apostle, The Impact Center of Lawton
Dr. Jim Garlow
CEO, Well Versed, Inc.
Rosemary Schindler Garlow
CEO, Schindler’s Ark
Rev. Jesus Garcia
Pentecostal, Pastor, John 316 Church
Cynthia Garrett
President, Cynthia Garrett Ministries
Phyllis Garrett
President and Founder, Prayer Net
Debra George
Founder, Debra George Ministries
Steve Gibb
Senior Pastor, Christian Life Community Church
Danny Gokey
Christian Music Artist
Mark Gonzales
President, Hispanic Action Network
Pedro Gonzalez
Pastor, Embajada del Reino
Phillip Goudeaux
Senior Pastor, Calvary Christian Center
Rev. Franklin Graham
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse
Dr. Jack Graham
Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention
David Gramajo
Pastor, Palabra en Accion
David Gramajo
Pastor, Palabra en Accion
Jeff & Eileen Hackleman
Pastor, Family Faith Church
John Hagee
Pastor, Cornerstone Church
Founder of Christians United for Israel
Mark Hall
Christian Music Artist
John Hamill
President, Lamplighter Ministries
Jon Harris
Founder and President, Conversations That Matter
Scott Harris
Pastor Grace Bible Church Wappingers Falls, New York
Mike Hayes
President, Churches In Covenant Intl.
Skip Heitzig
Calvary Albuquerque
Clarence Henderson
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation, North Carolina
Rev. Vicki Herald
Heralders for Messiah to the Nations
Abraham Hernandez
Executive Director, NHCLC CT
William Hernandez
General Bishop, Pentecostal Church of God MI Puerto Rico
Tim Hill
Overseer, Church of God
Ralph & Joanne Hoehne
Senior Pastor, The Source Church
Babette Holder
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Illinois
Adonica & Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
River at Tampa Bay Church
Gary Howell
Pastor, Glad Tidings Church, Ocoee, Florida
Jennifer Huch
Pastor, New Beginnings
Larry & Tiz Huch
Senior Pastors, New Beginnings Church
President of Larry Huch Ministries
Luke Huch
Pastor, New Beginnings
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
Honorary National Chairman, MyFaithVotes
Keith Hudson
Keith Hudson Ministries, Arise Conference
Linda Hudson
Executive Director and Pastor, Women of the Vine Ministries, Inc.
Mary Hudson
Keith Hudson Ministries, Arise Conference
Johnny Hunt
Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention
Eleanore R. Hurst
Reverend, Institute for Strategic Christian Leadership
Bishop Harry Jackson
Hope Christian Church
Mike & Cindy Jacobs
Founder, Reformation Prayer Network and Generals International
Thomas Jamieson
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church
Gregory L. Jantz, PhD, C.E.D.S.
Founder, The Center • A Place of HOPE
Dr. Abe Jaquez
President, Baptist University of the Americas
Robert Jeffress
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Dallas
Dr. David Jeremiah
Turning Point Ministries
Kevin Jessip
Pastor, Global Strategic Alliance
Kristi Overton Johnson
Founder, Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries
Publisher, Victorious Living Magazine
Elizabeth Johnston
National Director, Day Of Mourning
Dr. Jerry Johnston
VP Houston Baptist University
Jason Justus
Lead Pastor, Madison Church Of God
Ezra Kang
President, Jesus Awakening Movement for America (JAMA)
T. Scott Kennedy
Alan Keyes
President, Loyal to Liberty
Cathy Kiang
President, The Sovereign Alliance
Alveda King
Civil Rights for the Unborn
Laura King
Chaplain, Body of Grace
Brad Knight
Senior Pastor, City of Destiny and StoryLife
Rachel Knight
Pastor, City of Destiny and StoryLife
John and Nancy Kruger
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
David Kubal
CEO, Intercessors For America
Donna Lagarde
Joyce Lazar
Steven Lazar
Duane & Mary Lakes
Apostle and Pastor, Rivers of Life Fellowship
Marcus & Joni Lamb
Daystar Television Network
Todd Lamphere
Global Outreach Pastor, Paula White Ministries
Dr. Richard Land
President, Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
Greg Laurie
Senior Pastor, Harvest Christian Fellowship
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
President, One Passion Ministries
Thuong Le
Pastor, Vietnamese Converge Mission, Inc.
Rev. Andrew Le
SoCal Vietnamese Fellowship
Chris Leader
President, Ignite Outreach
Laurel O. Lease
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Board Member, N’Vay Tikvah Synagogue
Linda Olivia Lloyd Lemkin
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Family of the LAMB Network, I AM & LITTLE LAMBS, Inc.
Rev. Phillip Lemkin
Facilitator, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Temple Emanuel~ Australia
Daniel Lim
CEO, International House of Prayer
Rev. Pat Lloyd
Petersburg Church of the Nazarene
Greg Locke
Lead Pastor, Global Vision Bible Church
Rodney Lord
Pastor, Freedom Gate Church
Bishop Jim Lowe
The Guiding Light Church
Henry Lozano
Director, USA Freedom Corps
Empeatriz Lugo
Pastor, El Shadaii
Esther Lum
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Cissie Graham Lynch
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Samaritan’s Purse
Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
El Rey Jesus
Brixeida Marquez
Pastor, Free Forever Church Hamden, Connecticut
Fran Martin
Board of Directors, Healing Tree International
David G Marx, MD
Medical Director, Healing Tree International
Gregg Matte
Senior Pastor, Houston’s First Baptist Church
Greg Mauro
Vice President, Cerullo World Evangelism
Stephen McDowell
President, Providence Foundation
Irvinson Medina
Bishop, Iglesia d Dios Nuevo Renacer
Rigo Mendez
Founder and President, USpeak
Sandra Merritt
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Eric Metaxas
Author of Bonhoeffer, If You Can Keep It
Host of the Eric Metaxas Show
Ivy Miller
Director, In His Wakes
Lloyd Miller
Senior Leader, Eagle Valley Ministries
Nate Miller
Director, In His Wakes
Tim Miller
President, Reformation House of Prayer
Anibal Miwszuk
Pastor, Miwszuk Ministries
Rev. Johnnie Moore
President, The Congress of Christian Leaders
Robert Morris
Senior Pastor, Gateway Church
Tom Mullins
Overseer, Christ Fellowship Church
Jerry Nance
President, Global Teen Challenge
Penny Young Nance
President and CEO, Concerned Women for America
Rev. Dean Nelson
Chairman, Frederick Douglass Foundation
Ernesto & Teresa Neria
Pastors, Tabernaculo de Vida
James Nesbit
President, Prepare the Way Ministries International
Peggy Newton
President, Aglow International
Peggy Nienaber
Vice President, Faith & Liberty
Virginia Norton
William Norton
Eve Nunez
Founder and President, National Latina Commission
Malachi O’Brien
Former Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention
Michael O’Fallon
Founder and President, Sovereign Nations
Rev. Jim Oliver
Senior Pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church
Ray Orsak
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Lisa Osteen
Associate Pastor, Lakewood Church
Natasha Owens
Christian Music Artist
Rob Pacienza
Senior Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian
Allan E. Parker, Jr.
The Justice Foundation
Rod Parsley
Senior Pastor, World Harvest Church
Loan Peia
Pastor, The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Liberty Prayer Network
Benny Perez
Lead Pastor, Church LV, Henderson, Nevada
Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council
Ramiro Pena
Pastor, Christ the King Church
Paul Pickern
Pastor, All Pro Pastors
Charles D. Pierce
President, Global Spheres, Inc., Glory of Zion International
Chonda Pierce
Christian Artist
Branches Counseling Center
Branden S Polk, MSW
CEO and Founder, Arrowhead Advising
Jon Ponder
CEO, Hope for Prisoners
Anthony Ponceti
Founder, All Pro Pastors
Dr. Jerry Prevo
Pastor Emeritus, Anchorage Baptist Temple
Shannon Prothro
Founder and Owner, Red Bird Ridge
Pastor Rick Pughe
Chairman, This Hope Foundation
Jimmy Queen
CEO, American Association of Christian Counselors
Ralph Reed
Faith & Freedom
Agustin Reyes
COO, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
Chris Richard
Senior Pastor, Vino Nuevo Church
Darwin Rivera
Senior Pastor, CCNJ Centro Cristiano Nacion de Jesús
Rev. Ernesto (Ernie) J. Rivera
Founder and Executive Director, Las Americas Evangelistic Association
David Rives
President, David Rives Ministries
Jenna Ellis Rives
Attorney, Trump 2020 Advisory Board
Phil & Al Robertson
Unashamed Podcast on BlazeTV
James Robison
Founder and President, LIFE Outreach International
Michelle Borquez Robinson
BOSS Media Group
President, Author, Media Personality
Rev. Carmelo Rodriguez
Pastor, New Britain Latino Coalition
Rev. David Rodriguez
Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church Branford, Connecticut
Rolando & Angie Rodriguez
Pastors, Erez Church
Pastor Sam Rodriguez
Lead Pastor, New Season
President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
Troy Rolling
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation
Jose E. Rosa
Iglesia Cristiana Casa del Perdon, Inc.
Jason Roy
Christian Artist, Building 429
Rev. Girien Salazar
Executive Director, Faith and Education Coalition
Debbie Sams
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Yvette Santana
Chief Ministry Officer, NHCLC Women’s Initiative
Judd Saul
President, Cedar Valley Patriots For Christ
Rick Scarborough
Executive Director, Well Versed World
Darrell Scott
Pastor, New Spirit Revival Center
Kyle Searcy
Lead Pastor, Fresh Anointing House of Worship
Doug Shackelford
City of Destiny
Kelly Shackelford
President and CEO, First Liberty Institute
Dr. Frank Shelton, Jr.
State Coordinator, Capitol Ministries
April Osteen Simons
International Speaker
Patrick Six
Pastor, Scotsdale Baptist Church
Chuck Smith
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation of Virginia
Michael W. Smith
Christian Music Artist
Thomas Smith
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Missouri
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel
Ronnie & Krystal Stewart
Lead Pastors, L3 Church of Maryland
Perry Stone
Voice of Evangelism, Omega Center International, International School of Word
Diane Strack
She Loves Out Loud Prayer Movement
Jay Strack
President, Student Leadership University
Steve Strang
Founder and CEO, Charisma Magazine
Rev. Brian Summers
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Evelin and Roxys Suriano
Pastors, Ministerios Ebenezer
Grace Swift
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Mayor Tri Ta
City of Westminster
Michael Tait
Christian Music Artist
Norm Taylor
Story Life Church
Jessica Ann Tyson
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation
Pasqual Urrabazzo
Senior Pastor, International Church of Las Vegas
Peter Vasquez
President, Frederick Douglass Foundation, New York
Carol Vatuone
Koreena Velasquez
Pastor, The Impact Center of Lawton
Anthony Verdugo
Founder and Executive Director, Christian Family Coalition
Keat & Judy Wade
Director, Well Versed Prayer
Lance Wallnau
Founder, As One America
Dr. Kim Warfield-Walker
National Chaplain, Frederick Douglass Foundation
JJ Weeks
Christian Music Artist
Mark Weimer
Christian Business Leader, Pray America
Paula White-Cain
Senior Pastor, City of Destiny
President, Paula White Ministries
Amy Wienands
Amy Wienands Real Estate
Tim Wildmon
American Family Association
Rich Wilkerson
Pastor, Trinity Church
Dr. Don Wilton
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Spartanburg
Marvin Winans, Jr.
Worship Leader, Oasis Church, Los Angeles
C.A. Winkler
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Thomas J. Winters
Winters & King Associates
Dan Withum
President, Withum & Co. Media Ministries
Sheila Withum
Withum & Co. Media Ministries
George Wood
Chairman, Assemblies of God Fellowship
Frank Wright
CEO, D. James Kennedy Ministries
Sealy Yates
Yates & Yates
Jason Yates
CEO, MyFaithVotes
Sharon Bolan Yerby
Evangelist, Sharon Bolan Yerby Ministries
Alan & Julie Youngblood
Pastors, Faith Outreach Church
Dr. Paul F.M. Zahl
Dean Emeritus, Trinity School for Ministry
Jorge Zapata
Associate Pastor, New Wine Church
Connie J Pease
The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. God is Good.
I will be praying for President Donald J. Trump.
Please also keep Europe in your prayers.
We just had elections for the European Parliament on May 23-26. While parties supporting national sovereignty succeeded in Italy, France and the UK, Germany looks different. It has to be admitted, though, that among the European movements for national sovereignty, there are some troublesome elements. Nevertheless, we should hope and pray that God would use these movements to counter leftwing/liberal madness and superstate hysteria.
Please pray especially for Germany, our leaders and the direction our political culture is going. The same applies to Austria.
Trey Mays
Given the fact that there is no evidence of a genuine repentance and faith away from unbelief and a belief in Jesus in President Trump’s life, then we should also be praying for the President’s repentance as part of the larger context of praying “that God would protect, strengthen, embolden, and direct” President Trump. Please add that part of the overall special day of prayer for the President, and I will be happy to join in this effort.