Intersectionality as a social concept has revolutionized the entire victimhood culture across the political and educational spectrum. Dr. Josh Buice, Director of the G3 Conference, explains how Intersectionality is a unifying framework hypothesis for a brave new religion.

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James Manning

One Comment to: Brave New Religion: Intersectionality | Dr. Josh Buice

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    Dennis Richardson

    February 26th, 2020

    Francis Schaeffer warned against Intersectionality in his 1984 book, “The Great Evangelical Disaster”. I think many Baptist denominations will break up and splinter over these issues. John Piper, Tim Keller with (?) Driscoll will be rejected by many individual SBC churches. These three men may form unity with the Emerging church liars Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren, Tony Campolo, and Rob Bell, may be Rick Warren as well. Has Tim Keller been developing great anger over the rejection of his friend Ronald Sider in the debate vs Gary North in April 1981 at Gordon- Conwell Theological “Cemetery”. I wager that Keller is a MARXIST with a MARXIST’s anger to get revenge.


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