Audio Critical Immigration Praxis | Public Occurrences, Ep. 31 In today’s episode, Michael O’Fallon delves into the ideology behind th
Audio The Soros Network | Public Occurrences, Ep. 30 Today’s Public Occurrences will provide a broad overview of the Soros Net
Audio Soros vs China | Public Occurrences, Ep. 29 The Communist Chinese Party controlled Global Times has labeled billionaire
Audio A Threat to China | Public Occurrences, Ep. 28 Since the election of Joe Biden, China has enjoyed a springtime of growth a
Audio A Multi-Front Battle | Public Occurrences, Ep. 27 In each one of these “fronts” the same issue has plagued the ability fo
Audio The Subtle Slide | Public Occurrences, Ep. 26 Even though the signs and warnings of eventual totalitarianism and persecut
Audio Fauci’s Fertile Fallacy | Public Occurrences, Ep. 25 It has been proven that Dr. Fauci and others at our highest-level national
Asia Becoming China | Public Occurrences, Ep. 24 The model that so many nations seem to be imitating is that of the Communis
Audio The Last Changing Tides | Public Occurrences, Ep. 23 They say “all good things must come to an end” and this phrase was neve
America Labor Day | Public Occurrences, Ep. 22 There is one nationally recognized holiday that the progressives of today a
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